Saturday, January 29, 2011

Catherine Demo

So I just got finished playing the Catherine demo. It's actually not bad....

So since I don't know an inch of Japanese (ok a little but not enough to understand what's going on), I can't really say what's happening in the story but based on what I know Vincent, the protagonist, is having some nightmares because of god knows what. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Catherine with a C on this one.

So basically from what I saw in the cutscenes, Vincent talks to Katherine with a K, (I'm assuming that's his current girlfriend), then hangs out with friends and tells them about his nightmares (again I'm guessing) then gets a text from  i dunno who, Katherine? Probably was but i didn't really pay attention to the sender.

This game has some choice options and I'm guessing depending on the choices you make you get different endings, I think that was said already though, not sure, I haven't checked up on Catherine since forever and forgot all the information about it. Anyway, it seems to have a nice story, if you're into that kind of stuff.

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